Create your customised device
Start to create your customised device to support a specific need!

Although many hardware solutions already exist to support capabilities, we still encounter limitations. It is often difficult to develop a general design that can be tailored to each person. Therefore, these physical devices are often custom designed for the individual. But this costs a lot of money.

With the advent of the 3D printer, we can change this. With a 3D printer, a custom-made device can be designed at a relatively low price by practically anyone with a relatively low level of technical knowledge.

In this section, we help you to get started with 3D printers to design your own custom device.


Searching for 3D print assistive technology devices

Here you can find the designs of the euroddip_e project:

How to search for designs?

Download the manual

Manufacturing and assembling a push button

How to print and assemble a pushbutton?


Joystick / Push Buttons / Pulsador; Version 01: Download here

Joystick / Push Buttons / Pulsador; Version 02 Download here

Instruction video’s

More videos can be found on the project’s official website:
(Spanish version & step-by-step plan)

Design of didactic units in augmented reality using the cospaces edu application
  • Manual for the design of didactic units in augmented reality using the CoSpaces Edu application

    This manual is created for teachers to learn how to design and create didactic units and materials in augmented reality, which they can take and implement in their classroom or outside it, through the use of the CoSpaces Edu application.

    Download: manual_coSpaces_EN  Livebook

  • Manual para el diseño de unidades didácticas en realidad aumentada mediante el uso de la aplicación CoSpaces Edu:

    Este manual está creado para que el docente, aprenda a diseñar y crear unidades didácticas y materiales, en realidad aumentada, que pueda llevar e implementar en su aula, o fuera de ella, mediante el uso de la aplicación CoSpaces Edu.

    Descarga: manual_coSpaces_ESP Livebook